by On Board Training Supervisor - The Joint CHED MARINA CIRCULAR (JCMC) 01 s2019PROGRAM STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES for BSMT and BSMAREANNEX B- Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of On board Training Requirements under the BS Marine Transportation and BS Marine Engineering ProgramsSection 2 OBT Requirement The OBT requirement may either be 12 months or 36 months seagoing service. Section 2.1 OBT for BSMT Program The OBT requirement shall be complied with by undergoing and completing: Section 2.1.1 OBT for BSMT Program the OBT requirement shall be complied with by undergoing and completing: 2.1.1. not less than 12 months of seagoing service, which shall include the performance of bridge watch keeping duties for a period of not less than six (6) months under the supervision of the Master or a qualified deck officer, following a structured program of training on board a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more engaged in international voyages, documented in the Training Record Book (TRB) designed by the ISF, Global-MET or any other entity in accordance with the requirements of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended; or 2.1.2. not less than 36 months of seagoing service on board a seagoing ship of 500 gross tonnage or more engaged in domestic or international voyages, either as Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch, or Able Seafarer Deck, or other relevant capacity in the Deck Department, which shall include the performance of bridge watch keeping duties for a period of not less than six (6) months under the supervision of the Master or a qualified deck officer. JCMC 01 s2019 PROGRAM STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES for BSMT and BSMARE (Mother document of ANNEX B above) Section 63 Transitory ProvisionsUpon effectivity of this Joint CHED - MARINA Memorandum Circular, all MHEl’s shall comply and adhere to the PSGs herein prescribed based on the following considerations: 63.1. Curriculum 63.1.1 MHEl’s shall continue to adopt and implement the curriculum that was approved prior to the issuance of this Joint CHED-MARINA Memorandum Circular until Second Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020 only. 63.1.2 Starting First Semester of Academic Year 2020-2021, MHEls shall adopt and implement the maritime education program standard curriculum which shall be prescribed and made available by the Commission and Maritime Base on Section 63, transitory provision, this 12 month requirements Section 2.1.1 ANNEX B, is only for the incoming students that will be using this NEW Joint CHED MARINA (JCMC) PSG. All student who are using the previously approved PSG will continue to complete the enrolled curriculum. (CMO 20 s2015 and CMO 67 s2017) Download the JCMC 01 s2019 with the Annex B |